Mad About Danish Plaid

My dear friend at The House That Lars Built just visited for a second time Copenhagen and I have fallen in love with this place and its beautiful and fashionable inhabitants. I asked her to tell us a bit about it. For more on her adventures abroad and local check out her blog. And when I say local I mean DC.

My first stay in Copenhagen last summer produced many jaw-dropping moments. I had never seen a more beautiful and fashion-conscious people. It's not just the women who doll up, it's the men too. So entranced was I that there were moments when I would follow striking Danes just to snap an out-of-focus photo that later bore no recognition of human kind. I just returned back from another stay and turns out, winter is even better! Coats and scarves and boots all while riding their show-stopping bikes. Even in the snow. Makes me freezing just thinking about it. Winter fashion is so lumberjack: lots of buffalo plaid and denim. Check it out.
photos via Copenhagen Street Style

Mi primera visita en Copenhague el año pasado produjo muchos moments de asombro. Yo nunca habia visto tanta gente hermosa y tan consciente de la moda. No son solamente las mujeres que se visten bien sino los hombres tambien. Tan encantada estaba que empezaba a seguir daneses por las calles para tomerles una foto y luego ver que estaba desenfocada la foto. Acabo de regresar de otra visita y resulta que en el invierno es aun mejor! Abrigos y bufandas y botas de montar mientras montan sus bicicletas. Incluso en la nieve. Me congele solo pensando en eso. La moda de invierno es tan leñador: un monton de cuadros de búfalo y mezclilla. Chequea lo.

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