Benetton is searching for 20 finalists to be the newest faces of the brand; they’re after creative, unique individuals – not just your ‘typical’ model – and they’re holding a global casting session to encourage people to enter. All people need to do is visit the competition microsite and create a lookbook (everything is explained on there): HERE! Good Luck!
Benetton esta en busceda de 20 finalistas para ser los nuevos modelos de la marca: tienen que ser creativos, individuos- no un tipico modelo- estan teniendo un casting a nivel mundial para dar a todos la oportunidad de ganar. Todo lo que tienen que hacer esta en el sitio web: AQUI! Buena Suerte!
Has anyone entered?
I believe the competition has closed now but the website is definitely worth a look if you are in to fashion and fashion blogs.
Besides it'll be interesting to see who the winners are!