-What made you come up with the name of your blog?
I didn't want to choose something that would categorize my blog as a "fashion blog." So I went with something more vague that would cover things trending in music, movies, magazines, pop culture, and fashion. All of the above would HAVE to be newsworthy, hence, NewandWorthy.
-How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging since 2007 - starting with Three Day Rule, a blog for men about relationships, sex, love, and fashion, from a woman's perspective.
-Are you the same blogger you were when you started all this?
The more I blog the more my writing matures. When I first started blogging it was more of an outlet. Now, I do it for my readers; and myself of course. They are what drive me. Their comments, questions, and loyalty have me searching for the next worthy topic. I want the people who visit my site to be fully satisfied visually and intellectually.
-What and where did you study?
I studied journalism at Rugers College and fashion journalism at Central Saint Martins.
-How did you get started in the fashion industry?
I interned at W Magazine the summer going into my senior year of college. I look back on that internship now and think - it definitely takes a certain type of worker and person to handle and persevere through the intensity of a fashion closet. You either love it or hate it. I loved it from the beginning.
-What is your favorite trend at the moment for both men and women?
I'm big into accessories. I'm a firm believer that the right necklace and handbag can make a t-shirt and jeans look chic and fresh. Right now I love shoes with low heels and/or wedges. Heels were never a friend of mine - I'm loving the compromise. For men? Skinny ties are genius.
-What inspires you?
People. People everywhere - We wake up in the morning and put thought into what we're putting on our bodies, whether we like to admit it or not. Labeling a person trendy or fashionable is like saying someone is normal. I don't believe there is a definition. Fashion is what you make it. There is a fine line between true talent and someone taking a risk. Sometimes it just works.
-How would describe your style?
My realistic style is basic; t-shirt, jeans, converse. My ideal style? A lot of Rag and Bone mixed with some Alexander Wang and Vivienne Westwood. I'm also OBSESSED with Pitango - which can only be found on one corner somewhere in Manhattan. If it were acceptable to walk around naked wearing just his rings, I would. I'm a pretty casual gal - but a little pop and exaggeration never hurt anyone.

-Porque escogiste ese nombre para tu blog?
No quise escoger algo que automaticamente me pusiera en la categoria de un blog de moda. Entonces decidi en algo menos especifico que me permitiria incluir tendencias de moda, musica, peliculas, revistas, etc. Cada una de esas cosas tendria que ser digno de reportage entonces elegi New and Worthy.
-Cuanto tiempo has estado blogging?
He estado blogging desde el 2007- empeze con La Regla de Tres Dias, un blog para hombres acerca de moda,las relaciones, el amor, desde la perspectiva de una mujer.
-Sientes que eres la misma blogger que cuando comenzaste todo esto?
Mientras mas hago el blog mas madurez se siente en lo que escribo. Cuando me inicie era mas por desahogo. Ahora lo hago por mis lectores y por mi por supuesto. Ellos son mi impulso. Sus comentarios, preguntas y lealtad me llevan a buscar el proximo tema que sea valioso. Yo quiero quin visite el sitio se sienta visual e intelectualmente lleno.
-Que y donde estudiaste?
Yo estudie periodismo en Colegio De Rugers y Periodismo de moda en Central Saint Martins.
-Como comensaste trabajando en la industria de la moda?
Yo hice un internado an la revista W el verano antes de my ultimo año en el colegio. Recuerdo ahora esa experiencia y pienso- eso tomo un cierto tipo de persona que pueda manejar y perseverar en esa clase de ambiente intenso como es el closet de moda. Lo odias o te encanta. A mi me encantó desde el principio.
-Cual es tu tendencia de moda favorita en el momento para hombres y mujeres?
Me encantan los acesorios. Yo creo fielmente que un collar y una cartera pueden transformar una camisa y unos jeans y verse chic y moderno. Ahora mismo me encantan los zapatos con tacones bajos y/o cuñas. Los tacones nunca me han favorecido - me encanta este punto medio. Para los hombres? Corbatas delgaditas.
-Que te insprira?
La gente. La gente de todas partes. Nos despertamos en la mañana y pensamos que nos vamos a poner en el cuerpo, sea que queremos admitirlo o no. Llamando a una persona trendy o en la moda es como decir que alguien es normal. Yo no creo que hay una definición. La moda es lo que tu decides que sea. Hay una línea fina entre el verdadero talento y alguien que toma un riesgo. A veces simplemente funciona.
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