Meet the Sk8er boy

Having just stumbled upon the Man About Town photo shoot just a couple of days ago I've dedicated the last couple of posts to that shoot which also included a video showing Kilian Martin's amazing skating skills. Through the power of the internet (thanks facebook) I was able to get in contact with Kilian and he so graciously accepted to answer a few questions about what he does and how he feels about the union of fashion and skating. This interview was done in spanish if you'd like to read it in english please continue scrolling down.

¿Dónde estudiaste?
Estudié en Alcorcón (Madrid). Despues, hice un curso de comercio en Lloret de Mar (Gerona). En California viví un año y seis meses. Durante ese tiempo estudié un curso en Los Angeles(California). Ahora mismo me encuentro estudiando otra vez en Alcorcón (Madrid)

¿Qué estudiaste?
Estudié un modulo de Comercio y language arts en los Angeles. Ahora me encuentro estudiando un curso de diseño grafico.

¿Qué te inspira?
Me inspira la filosofía que enseñaba Bruce Lee y lo que hizo en su carrera como Artista Marcial. No soy un fan de las artes marciales pero si de la filosofia que el enseñaba. Su filosofía se puede aplicar a muchos tipos de arte en el que te expresas a ti mismo.
En general me siento inspirado por cualquiera que ha hecho que sus habilidades hayan sido mas haya de lo normal y han luchado para conseguirlo.

¿La sesión de fotos con Man About Town fue la primera vez que modelaste?
Antes me habian hecho sesiones de fotos, pero para otro tipo de revistas, nunca de moda.

¿Cómo describiría tu experiencia en la sesión de foto con Man About Town?
Me gusto mucho. Fue como ser parte de una pelicula. La moda nunca se habia mezclado con el Skate. Y estaba interesado en saber como quedaria. La sesión de foto se realizo en un antiguo aeropuerto en Paris. Me lo pase bien intentar darle un estilo acorde a la vestimenta que conjugara bien con el tipo de ropa que llevaba. He quedado muy contento de como ha quedado el video.

¿Quieres seguir trabajando como modelo?
Me gustaria tenerlo como un Extra y dedicarme principalmente a patinar.

¿De quién es la carrera que tu más admiras? ¿Por qué?
La carrera de Bruce lee. Porque iva mas alla de los limites. Porque hacia posible lo imposible. Por su determinación para conseguir metas y su inteligencia.

¿Cómo describiría tu estilo de skate?
Como creativo. No creo que tengo un estilo especifico. Intento mejorar continuamente y los trucos que estoy haciendo ahora en los videos tendran un toque distinto en cada nuevo video.
Intuento ser influenciado por muchos. Cojer lo mejor de cada uno y buscar la manera de aplicarlo a mi skate.

¿Qué estás escuchando en tu iPod?
Edvin Marton.Patrick watson.Misfits.The Ramones.Teen wolf soundtrack.Scarface soundtrack.Gorilla biscuits.

Where did you study?
I Studied in Alcorcón (Madrid). Then I took an economics course in Lloret de Mar (Gerona). In California I lived for a year and a half during that time I took a course in Los Angeles (California). Right now I am back in Alcorcón (Madrid) studying.

What did you study?
I studied Economics in
Lloret de Mar (Gerona) and language arts while I lived in Los Angeles. Now I'm taking a course in graphic design.

What inspires you?
I am inspired by the philosophy Bruce Lee taught and what he did in his career as a martial artist. I am not a fan of martial arts but I am a fan of the philosophy he taught. His philosophy can be applied to many types of art in which one expresses themselves.
Overall, I am inspired by anyone who has made their skills greater than what they were and have struggled to achieve it.

Was the photo shoot with Man About Town the first time you modeled?
I had done photo shoots before but for other types of magazines never a fashion magazine.

How would you describe your experience in the photo shoot with Man About Town?
I really liked. It was like being part of a movie. Fashion had never been mixed with Skateboarding and I was interested in seeing the end result. The photo shoot took place in an old airport in Paris. I had fun trying to skate with a style that went well with what I was wearing. I was very happy with the video and how it turned out.

Do you want to continue working as a model?
I would like to keep it as a side thing and will dedicate myself to skating.

Whose career do you most admire? Why?
Bruce Lee's career because he would push beyond his limits. Because he would make the impossible possible. For his determination to achieve goals and for his intelligence.

How would you describe your style of skateboarding?
As a creative person, I don't think I have a specific style. I try to continually improve and the tricks that I'm doing now in the videos will have a different flavor with each new video.
I try to be influenced by everything and take the best of each thing and find ways to apply it to my skating.

What are you listening to on your iPod?
Edvin Marton. Patrick Watson. Misfits.The Ramones. Teen wolf soundtrack. Scarface soundtrack. Gorilla biscuits ...

top image via
other images Man About Town by Karim Sadli

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing en espanol! Yo puedo entiendo todos (mas o menos). :)



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