Tucked Tie


Yesterday at work I wanted to change it up a bit so I tried the tucked-tie look with a striped JCrew oxford and striped tie. Well, color me surprised when I received compliment after compliment throughout the day. Who knew that's all it took! So just roll up your selves and tuck in the tie and you'll have what would seem like a whole new look and people will take notice in a positive way.

Some other great stripe oxfords: GANT Rugger, Thom Browne, and Billy Reid

Ayer en el trabajo quise cambiar las cosas un poco entonces metí la corbata dentro de mi camisa de rayas corbata de rayas de JCrew. Bueno, que les cuento, recibí a legos todo el día. Quien supo que eso esto todo lo que hay que hacer? Entonces, enrolla las mangas y mete la corbata dentro de tu camisa y tendrás un look nuevo y la gente se fijaran del cambio positivo.

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