Bloggers have made quite a name for themselves lately. On one of the blogs I found out Holt Renfrew stores which are like the Barneys of Canada had their store window displays showing their favorite fashion blogs, like shown above. Some of those blogs included The Sartorialist, Garance Dore and Sea of Shoes to name a few. So what does this say about the fashion world and its fans in the world of fashion blogs? Their influence is growing steadily.
In the August issue of Vogue, Sea of Shoes, the mother/daughter combo that takes pictures of each other while wearing fashionable clothes in Texas and abroad have been featured in a two page spread. The daughter has even been invited to design a collection of shoes for Urban Outfitters. Also, Scott Schuman of The Sartorialist has come to the point where he gets sent to exotic locations around the world to take pictures for those countries local fashion mags and he just published a book of his pictures. Their notoriety is growing and I'm intrigued to see what happens next within the fashion blog world.
Bloggers han hecho un buen nombre por si mismos ultimamente. En uno de los blogs encontré que las tiendas Holt Renfrew de Canadá que son como el Barnreys de los Estados Unidos, sus ventanas mostrando sus blogs favoritos, como se muestra arriba. Algunos de los blogs incluyen The Saritorialist, Garance Dore,y Sea of Shoes. ¿Qué dice esto sobre el mundo de la moda y sus fans en el mundo de blogs de moda? Su influencia está creciendo constantemente.
En el Vogue de agosto, Sea of Shoes, el combo de madre/hija que toman fotografías de cada uno, mientras que visten en ropa de moda en Texas y en el extranjero se han presentado en dos páginas en la revista. La hija ha sido invitada a diseñar una colección para la tienda Urban Outfitters. Además, Scot Schuman de The Saritorialist ha llegado hasta el punto donde va a lugares exóticos de todo el mundo para tomar fotos para las revistas locales y acaba de publicar un libro con sus fotografías. La fama de blogs está creciendo y estoy intrigado a ver qué pasa dentro del mundo de blogs de moda.
ooo, this is a good find. will help on my thesis about design blogs!
ReplyDeleteI love the publicity fashion bloggers are getting. especially The Sartorialist. Love him!