The Fashion Brunch

On Saturday a group of non-fashiony guys got together to eat and talk a bit about fashion . I asked a couple of friends in the fashion industry to share a little of their knowledge. Candice who worked in the costume department at Law and Order (R.I.P.) covered how a suit should fit and the importance of knowing your size and finding a tailor. Also, we went over some of the basics on how to tie different tie knots and about the anatomy of a tux. Michael, from Major Models came to speak on health and fitness. This guy doesn't work out in the gym and is fit as a fiddle. Finally, Dan from Copping and Scheming blog spoke about where to find good deals on-line and in the city. A huge thanks to everyone who came and helped out.

From left to right- Michael Brager, yours truly, Candice K., and Dan W.

The guys devoured everything on the table. Who knew the muffins were going to be so popular.

Este sabado un groupo de muchachos sin mucho conocimiento de moda se reunieron para hablar acerca de la moda y comer un poco. Invite algunos amigos para venir y compartir un poco de su conocimiento en differentes aspectos de la moda. Candice, que trabajaba en el departamento de vestuario por el programa de television Law and Order hablo acerca de el traje y la importancia de saber tu talla y de usar un sastre. Tambien discutimos differentes nudos para la corbata y la anatomia de un tux. Michael Brager, de Major Models vino y compartio lo que el hace para mantenerse en forma y saludable, el no va al gimnasio. Finalmente, Dan, de el blog Copping and Scheming compartio adonde y como el encuentra los mejores precios en el internet y en la ciudad. Muchas gracias a todos que vinieron y ayudaron.

1 comment:

  1. I'm no fashionista, but by the looks of your attendees, you have provided a great service! :)

    Love your blog as always, but your portfolio--wow, very impressive. Classy, too.



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